Hall of Builds

From Vintage Junk to Klunking Punk

From Vintage Junk to Klunking Punk

When this old Phillips bike came to us as a dilapidated ride, we believed it could have a second life as, you guessed it, a Klunker. Great bikes don't have to be expensive, they have to be fun.

CCM GT-101 Restoration

CCM GT-101 Restoration

This bike was in terrible shape when we first got it. The paint job was chipped and rusty. The components were corroded and needed to be replaced. All moving parts and bearings were completely toasted from the passage of time and incorrect maintenance/storage. The ideal restoration job was ahead.

No Fuss - Tsunami SNM100 Custom Build

No Fuss - Tsunami SNM100 Custom Build

Paired with a set of Custom Vuelta / Zenzo track wheels, an Olympia CNC crank, and minor upgrades like a VSixty CNC seatpost, this bike was fun to put together and didn’t break the bank.


EASTON EA50 Aero / Miche Primato Track

EASTON EA50 Aero / Miche Primato Track

With a few Easton EA50 Aero rims lying around, we decided to grab a pair of silver Miche Primato hubs and build an excellent track wheelset for training and tearing through the streets. 

The Ultimate Bike Polo Custom Wheels: Velocity Aileron/Paul

The Ultimate Bike Polo Custom Wheels: Velocity Aileron/Paul

Challenge Accepted: A member of Montreal Bike Polo contacted us in the hopes that we could help build the lightest Polo Bike possible, and this was the result of our meticulous part selection.